Welcome to our allotment blog. We've got a plot, now we're trying to figure out what we're doing! So please join us - put the kettle on, sit back, and dream about Living The Good Life...

Sunday 9 August 2009

Vandals! Troublemakers! Ruffians!

We've been lucky, up 'til now, not to have had any sort of trouble on our plot. Other people have had lawnmowers stolen, tools nicked, and even - on one occasion - a shed burnt down. But we've escaped. Until now. When we went to the allotment on Saturday it was to find that someone - or maybe many someones - had turned our wheelbarrow of herbs upside down, and also pulled up all the stakes that we'd painstakingly (pain-stake-ingly, geddit?!!) tied our tomato plants to. We'd also acquired a heap of broken glass, and we still can't work out where that came from...

Gah! I cursed and sweared a bit, but then wandered further down the plot to realise that actually, it wasn't so bad. The bed of tomatoes at the far end had been completely ignored, as had the rest of our patch of earth. Adam said he had visions of all our courgette and squash plants, growing away merrily, to have been trampled, corn flattened and bean poles crushed, but it was only the beds right by the shed which had warranted any unwanted attention.


But our poor tomatoes, which had been a little bit neglected but were bravely producing plump, juicy fruit, were either pulled up by the roots, decapitated or twisted and crumpled, lying on the ground. We put the stakes back in and re-tied as many plants as we could, but it'll never be the same again. Our crop is not going to be as big as we'd hoped.

I'll have to get in touch with the secretary and find out how the bid for a big fence around the allotments is coming along.

Ho hum.

On a brighter note, our first summer squash was picked, and we have lots and lots of beans.


Gary and Jen, and Ruby and Peter said...

Keep smiling , don't let the b*stards get you down.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that there are people who are so spiteful and thoughtless.

I'm afraid I gave up my allotment and reworked my garden to grow everything some years ago after things kept being stolen.

Give everything you replanted a good feed and protect them from any harsh weather until they recover.

And booby trap your allotment!

Bettiboots said...

Swines! Cads! Bounders!

How's about constructing said large fence and then hanging the heads of trouble-causers off it as a terrible warning to other ne'er-do-wells?