Welcome to our allotment blog. We've got a plot, now we're trying to figure out what we're doing! So please join us - put the kettle on, sit back, and dream about Living The Good Life...

Monday 12 January 2009

One year and counting

So, one year’s gone since I started this blog. Where has the time gone?

At least as we start 2009 we’re looking at an allotment which is mostly dug over, with decent soil, and some of our beds busy absorbing a scattering of manure to boost their fertility for the months ahead. This time in 2008 about half of the plot was as yet un-dug. We had some weed-suppressing plastic and carpets down, but the ground underneath was still compacted and bindweed-ridden, and giving us menacing looks ever time we went near it with a spade.

This year we still have to tackle the strawberry bed. I started this last January, a whole year ago, but I admit it’s beaten me - it’s the only part of the allotment which is still looking wild and weedy. The rest of the plot at least shows some modicum of control, even if you can see the weeds trying to creep in at the corners while we’re not looking. I think we’ll have to start from scratch and begin a new strawberry patch somewhere else, where it can be Properly Taken In Hand.

So what did we achieve in 2008, apart from digging? We’ve eaten our own veg for most of the year – and given surplus away to friends and family which is a good feeling. Especially when you’ve begun to dread the sight of yet another courgette. We’ve become more aware of what’s in and out of season, and also worked out what we like growing and eating, and what we don’t. Asparagus peas definitely come in the latter category – we won’t be bothering with them this year!

I want to plant a small bed of bulbs for cut flowers – probably alliums and tulips to start with. And speaking of non-edible things, we never got around to planting a honeysuckle to grow up and over the sheds. So that will have to go on our To Do list for 2009, along with mending the water tank and building an outdoor shelter or extension to the shed.

We need to add some raised edges for the beds, to improve the soil quality and help keep out the surrounding weeds and grass. So we need to collect some more pallets to rip apart. We need more manure, too. And to do some investigating into green manure as it seems like a really good idea, just something we’ve never got around to doing.

We’ve also made more friends at the allotment this year which hopefully will mean we’ll be able to do some seed- and plant-swapping come spring. Speaking of seeds, we have to make a visit to the allotment association shop for our potatoes soon, and place our seed order too. I think purple carrots are called for this year...

1 comment:

Matron said...

So great to hear about your first year on the allotment. May you have many, many more - and keep blogging! There are lots of us out here!