Welcome to our allotment blog. We've got a plot, now we're trying to figure out what we're doing! So please join us - put the kettle on, sit back, and dream about Living The Good Life...

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Beer garden weather

Last Sunday was a lovely day. We went to the plot but weren't feeling particularly industrious for some reason, so we didn't get loads done, but just enough. Adam planted the maincrop potatoes 'Cara', and I sowed another row of peas and broad beans, then I mostly mooched around taking pictures.

There was just so much blue sky and fluffy clouds and flowers and new green growth, I ended up lying on the ground in strange positions trying to get my camera at the right angle to capture what I could actually see.

The mange tout Sian sowed are just starting to poke their heads above the soil. The broad beans are doing well (though must remember to try overwintering this year as some plots have at least a month's headstart on ours) and the peas are also reaching for the sky. Need to get some twiggy sticks in there...

Weevils have already started taking notches out of the peas and broad beans, but they don't seem to do any real damage to the actual crop? Is that right? Anyway, everything looks quite pretty with little crimped edges!

The purple-sprouting broccoli has well and truly bolted, but I don't mind, it's so beautiful...

And what about the rhubarb? I know I've squawked about the colour before, but I think it deserves another 'wow'... More sweet, sugary compote has now been made - delicious swirled through greek yoghurt, or double cream and natural yoghurt a la Granny's Barbados Cream. Yum!


Shaheen said...

Sometime mooching around is worth it...you have taken some lovely photo's showing the natural colours at the plot, nice change from the soil brown and the green of grass and weeds.

Nic said...

Right, you have inspired me; tomorrow I shall do imaginative things with rhubarb. I've pulled my purple sprouting broccoli up today because it looked like yours and I needed the space to plant out my broad beans. Are you still setting seeds then? I might plant some more, I thought it was too late now.
I've had words with the pigeons, if they start eating my beans like they have been my cabbage, I might have to make pie out of them ;)