Something I forgot to mention... I've sowed a terrcotta army of tomatoes. Marmande, Alicante and Golden Sunrise are all now doing well and are a couple of inches high with the faint suggestion of the first pair of true leaves. We've also bought one of those plastic greenhouse things so they can leave the safety of their warm table by the window and go out in that soon.
Mum said she'll donate some cherry tomatoes - may be can swap a couple of plants - and Louise from the allotment is growing some of the tumbling hanging-basket variety, and has apparently sown too many, so that could be interesting. I'm not sure I remember to water things enough, but they'd be out of the way of the chickens!
Next year, black tomatoes, methinks.
Ooo! I've got Black Cherry growing on my kitchen windowsill as we speak. Would you like me to pop a couple of seeds in a pot for you so you can try before you buy?
Oo yes, oo yes, please, that would be fab. Do you want a couple of ours in return? Let's swap at the beer fest... x
Golden Sunrise, please!
Ooh I'm late to the swapping party but I have loads of different tomato plants this year, including the purple russian ones so if you want some, I can bring a couple of plants to Jens wedding ;)
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