I know, I know, rubbish, rubbish me. Where does the time go? All I have in my defence for being a useless blogger during the month of March is a crazy departmental restructure at work, meaning more work for me and even less inclination to sit in front of a computer screen for any more hours than I'm paid to.
So sorry, blog, you got neglected there. Again.

We spent a couple of hours on Saturday and more than a couple of hours on Sunday at the allotment. Did a whole lot of weeding (where do they all suddenly come from?!?) and sowing, and planting, which was nice.
So we now have....
A bed of white and a bed of red onion sets.
A big bed of broad beans, which we're going to try and pick when they're small this time, so they're not as tough-skinned as last year. Yuk.
A small salad bed with a row of little gem lettuce and a row of radish - beetroot seeds are ready and waiting to be sown next week.
A big row of chard and 2 rows of spinach.A whole load of slightly rotten-in-the-middle cauliflowers. Grr.
4 garlic beds with about a million different varieties, all growing well - although only one of the two elephant garlic cloves has so far emerged.
Raspberry canes and a gooseberry bush both just showing new shoots.
16 transplanted strawberry plants so now the overgrown middle of the plot can be properly dug over... finally.
2 artichoke plants. Spiky.
Lots of red cabbage, getting there slowly.
Leeks of various sizes. Give it another month and a couple of them may finally be edible.
Purple sprouting broccoli which is not yet sprouting. We don't seem to have that much luck with brassicas.
And three trays of potatoes, chitting under the dining room window.

And the damson tree's just about to blossom. No late frosts, please!
you might not be in luck with the late frost, midweek forecast is not good
I am still waiting for my psb to sprout as well - glad it's not just me!
My PSB sprouted really early last year (July/August). I was told it was because of the unusual hot weather.
Well, you're further along than I am!
By the way, did you know you could eat the leaves of your purple sprouting broccoli like cabbage? I only found that out a few weeks ago and have been chomping my way happily through the plants.
I think the rabbits might have put an end to my PSB but the spring cabbages made a surprising comeback so I didn't lose everything.
Good to hear that you made it to the plot, and that you managed to make so much progress. Keep it up!
still waiting for PSB, only a year since I sowed them!
I, too, wait for my brocolli to sprout, although I am starting to see signs.
I could be found openly cursing a shop in Frinton this weekend for managing to have a whole basket of locally grown brocolli... How did they do it, the swines?! Damn them and their polytunnelled professionalism, I say!
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